Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The 1920's.

One of my favourite era's are the 1920's.
I like the attitude of the women in those days. It's an attitude that women always had when there was a war or shortly after a war.
The men were fighting the war and the women had to stay home and keep everything going, including the work that was normally done by men.

Maybe that's why they adapted to things that were only done by men.
Like: smoking, cutting their hair short and wearing trousers and men's suits with the only alteration that it had a small waist line. Except for the Turkish style trousers that Amelia Bloomer introduced in 1851, which still looked like a skirt.
Wearing a skirt that showed the leg from the knee down was already a shock for the older generation and for the church which had a lot more power in those days. Luckily that has changed since then!

The young women in those days were more outgoing and they weren't so timid as they were, or had to be, before.
They took off their corsets where they were trapped in for years.
Maybe you can see it as an form of protest or in a symbolic way to show the world that they wanted to be free.

Another sign of this freedom is the fight to vote.
The women fought very hard to get this right. Remember the suffragettes in England.
They got their right to vote in 1918. Finland was the first country to allow women to vote in 1906 and here in Holland it happened in 1922. Switzerland was the last country to allow it in 1959.

I always compare the women in the 1920's with the women in late 1960's and early 1970's. Here in the Netherlands we had the Dolle Mina's (Crazy Mina's) who fought for equal rights between men and women.
They burnt their bra's.
One protest they're famous for is to get an abortion law. They called it "Baas in eigen buik" (In charge of my own belly), this protest ended in 1981 when the government finally had an abortion law.

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