Wednesday, June 28, 2023

an automatiek

My mum and aunt Bertha got a bit hungry on one of their evening walks.
So they went to the cafeteria. At that time the cafeteria still had what they call an "automatiek". That's a wall with lots of little glass doors that open when you put money in it. Behind those doors are all kinds of deep fried Dutch snacks.
Aunt Bertha bought a deep fried noodle ball, while my mum waited on a bench next to the way out.
Aunt Bertha took a bite and didn't like the taste of it.
Disgusted by the taste she tried to throw the ball through the open door. Instead of going through the door, the ball flew against the wall, right above my mum's head and a moment later she was covered in noodles!

Photo credit: Oh my foodness

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